All Rentals


Our range of rental carriers can be viewed by category. We'll contact you if the sling/carrier can't be supplied within a week. Rentals are a range of colours/styles and are lightly used. The purchase is for you to try the style of carrier then purchase from one of our recommended retailers, these are not for long term loan. We are always looking for excellent condition carriers to be donated to the National Carrier Library so more families can rent a carrier, wrap or sling to try something new. 


ReCarry Carriers can be borrowed on a long term loan at very low cost. These carriers are intended for families without the funds to buy a carrier and who would otherwise miss out on the wonderful benefits of carrying their child. If you are interested in borrowing one of our ReCarry carriers, please ask your midwife to refer you or you can send us an enquiry. We are always looking for excellent condition carriers, slings & wraps to be donated to the ReCarry Collection so more families can borrow a carrier for their little one.