There are a LOT of videos on Your Tube and websites about babywearing and baby carriers. Some of these are great and some are pretty scary as they are made by people without any training or don't sufficiently cover safety information.
Here's a selection of educators which we recommend:
Roamy Hunt from South East Slings
Roamy is a highly experienced babywearing consultant who has put an incredible amount of time in building a library of carrier videos. She has made an instructional video of pretty much all the carriers you can buy in the UK, as well as lots of different tips and tricks to help you get a good fit or improve your comfort.
Click here for Roamy's You Tube channel
Dr Rosie Knowles
Rosie is one of the world's leading babywearing educators, is a highly experienced consultant, runs Sheffield Sling Surgery and is a practicing GP. Her videos and content are amazing and we highly recommend them. She is also the author of 'Why Babywearing Matters'.
Click here for the Sheffield Sling Surgery You Tube Channel
Hedwych from Wrap You in Love
One of world's most incredible babywearing educators, Hedwych has a wonderful You Tube channel showing a huge range of wrapping techniques. Her videos are very well done, easy to follow and she is a highly trained babywearing consultant so you know the techniques are safe.
Click her for the Wrap You in Love Channel
Click here for the Wrap You in Love website