All around Aotearoa we are very lucky to have amazing sling and babywearing groups in local communities. These are run by experienced babywearing volunteers who have a lot of babywearing practice with their own families and have also undertaken training to offer support to group members.
Many sling groups are also supported by trained babywearing consultants who volunteer their time and expertise.
Need some help with finding a baby carrier that works for you and your little one? Check out your local babywearing library or group. Can’t see an event scheduled? Flick the page a PM and they will get you sorted. While some of the libraries have regular meets, some work more on a case by case basis.
If you are a knowledgeable baby wearer and have a library in your area, our libraries are all run by volunteers and are always looking out for more fabulous people to join the team.
Please note that the assistance offered at a babywearing group or sling meet is limited by time and at the introductory level. Ensure you are there at the start of the meet for a safety briefing or other essential information. More comprehensive one-on-one assistance is available by our wonderful professional consultants as a paid service in the same way you would access professional assistance from a lactation consultant.
NZ Babywearing Groups
All of our babywearing groups/libraries run independently and are run by volunteers. Because of this, no two groups are the same. Some are active and run monthly meet ups where you can try on and hire carriers, whereas others are active but help people on request without scheduled meetings.
Check below to see if you have a babywearing group near you. If you cannot find one close and would want to hire a carrier before you buy, check out our carrier rental options.
Active with regular meets:
North Island libraries:
Kerikeri Babywearers
Slingbabies - West Auckland
Waikato Baby Carriers
Babywearing Tauranga
Babywearing Taupo
Babywearers Manawatu
Carry Kapiti - formerly Kapiti Babywearing
Babywearing Wellington
South Island libraries:
Babywearing Nelson
Babywearing Christchurch
Otepoti Dunedin Carrier Library
Babywearing Southland
Active without meets. One-on-one help on request.
Whangarei Babywearers
Babywearing Wairarapa
Babywearing South Taranaki
Whakatane Babywearers & Sling Library
Golden Bay Babywearing
The Sling Lady - Christchurch
Timaru Babywearing Group